SaveNJVets Save NJ Vets

Governor's Challenge to Prevent Suicides among Service Members,
Veterans & Their Families (SMVF)


  • Mission Statement

    As part of the Governor’s Challenge program, New Jersey is joining forces with community-based suicide prevention initiatives across the nation to reduce the rate of suicides among Service Members, Veterans and Their Families (SMVF).

    The SaveNJVets website offers tools to prevent suicide through: support, connectedness, and action steps to keep individuals and families safe. Find this site at

Our Strategy

  • Priority Areas

    New Jersey's three priority areas are based on the Veterans Administration National Suicide Prevention Strategy. 

    • Priority 1: Identify Service Members, Veterans and Their Families (SMVF) and Screen for Suicide Risk
    • Priority 2: Promote Connectedness and Improve Care Transitions
    • Priority 3: Lethal Means Safety and Safety Planning

Governor's Challenge

The Murphy Administration accepted an invitation from the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to participate in the Governor’s Challenge to Prevent Suicide among Service Members, Veterans and Their Families (SMVF). The Challenge is a call to action to collaborate, plan, and implement suicide prevention SMVF best practices and policies.

The National Strategy for Preventing Veteran Suicide 2018-2028 provides Governor’s Challenge Teams a framework for identifying priorities. The strategic priorities work together to promote wellness, increase protection, reduce risk and promote effective treatment and recovery. The three best policy and practice priorities include: identify SMVF and screen for suicide risk, promote connectedness and improve care transitions, and increase lethal means safety and safety planning.

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Last Updated: 01/20/2023
Vet2Vet Vets4Warriors Suicide Prevention Military Health System DoD Safe Helpline Save NJ Vets

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